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What is a Stud Bolt for Pipe Flanges?

Stud bolts for flanges are the bolting material or fastener used to tighten the flange joint connection. ASME B16.5 Code The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) began creating code for the piping industry in 1922. ASME created B16, a universal standard for engineers, architects and manufacturers for the purpose of unifying and developing codes…

What are the Types of Flange Gaskets?

In Piping Systems a Flange Gasket is placed between two connecting Flanges to create a leak proof seal. The three primary types of Flange Gaskets are Non-metallic, Semi metallic and Metal Gaskets. Photo Provided by Project Materials The Non-metallic Flange Gaskets are used in low pressure, low temperature and noncritical service applications. These are supplied…

What is an Orifice Flange?

The Orifice Flange is used to measure the flow of product through the piping system. When the Orifice Plate is installed there is a restriction of flow creating a differential pressure and this is used to measure the flow rate of liquids, steam or gases. The Orifice Plate is a thin plate with a center…

What are the Five basic Flange Face Finishes?

What are the 5 Basic Flange Face Finishes? The Five basic Finishes for ANSI B16.5 and ASME B16.47 Flanges are the Stock Finish, Spiral Serrated Finish, Concentric Serrated Finish, Smooth Finish and Cold Water Finish. 1. The Stock Flange Finish The Stock Flange Finish is a continuous groove produced by using a 1/16” radius round…

What are the 6 most common flanges?

The following are the 6 types of flanges most common flanges in process piping systems. 1. Slip On As made obvious by their name, these pipe flanges slip over the pipe. They’re manufactured with an inside diameter that is slightly bigger than the pipe’s outside diameter. These attachments are connected to the pipe via fillet weld at…


JULY FLASH SALE 36’ 150# / 125# FF SO Flanges over stock from customer order. Sale price of $788.00 ea. Use promo code 73120. This offer expires on July 31, 2020

Carbon Steel Flanges vs. Stainless Steel Flanges

What are the most popular Grades of Forgings used in Flange Manufacturing? The first most common Forged materials used for the manufacture of Pipe Flanges are the following, in the Carbon Steel grades, A-105 (high temperature service max of 1000*F). The A-350 LF2 grades of material, (for lower temperature applications). A-694 Grades, F42 thru F70…

The Weld Neck Flange vs Slip On Flange.

The Weld Neck Flange is easily recognizable by the hub that gradually tapers from the bolted connection to the pipe. At the Point of Weld on the Weld Neck it is supplied with a specific bore to mate with the attaching pipe or fitting. This connection is made with a full penetration butt weld, this…

AWWA C207 Vs. ANSI B16.5 Industrial Steel Pipe Flange Applications

Both the AWWA and ANSI have thorough standards for pipe flanges, the two standards are different in several ways. The AWWA standards provide flange properties intended for potable water use only, while the ANSI standards are designed for industrial flange applications. The AWWA flange ratings are only applicable at atmospheric temperatures. The ANSI ratings cover…

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